Yahoo! Messenger

Chat Client Instant Messenger Messenger Yahoo Instant Messaging

Yahoo! Messenger is an instant messaging client developed by Yahoo! inc. for real-time communication of its users. It provides text chat, file transfer up to 2GB. conversations with audio and video, games. It also supports International...

Бесплатно Android Android Tablet Blackberry Windows iPad

Pidgin 91 альтернатива

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Messenger
  • Irc
  • Jabber

Pidgin - бесплатная программа для мгновенного обмена сообщениями. Сохраняет переписку между контактами, позволяет сортировать контакты по группам, создавать чаты/конференции. Доступны установка аватаров, обмен файлами, изменение шрифта, смайлы, метаконтакты и многое …

Открытое ПO

Adium 64 альтернативы

  • Facebook
  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Aim
  • Google Talk

Adium is a free and open source instant messaging application for Mac OS X, written using Mac OS Xs Cocoa API, released under the GNU GPL and developed by the …

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Jitsi 58 альтернатив

  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Desktop Sharing
  • Voice Chat
  • Sip

Jitsi (previously SIP Communicator) is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, AIM/ICQ, Windows Live, Yahoo! and many other useful features. Jitsi is...

Открытое ПO

Psi 51 альтернатива

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Xmpp
  • Google Talk

Psi is an instant messaging application for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that connects to the free, open Jabber IM network (also known as XMPP). Localized versions of Psi …

Открытое ПO

Unison 33 альтернативы

  • File Synchronization
  • Folder Sync
  • Synchronization
  • Command Line Start
  • Command Line

Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on …

Открытое ПO

aMSN 44 альтернативы

  • Multi Language
  • Instant Messenger
  • Msn
  • Msn Messenger
  • Tabbed Interface

aMSN is a free open source MSN Messenger clone. aMSN attempts to emulate the look and feel of Windows Live Messenger, and supports many of its features. Offline Messaging Voice …

Открытое ПO

Gajim 25 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Xmpp
  • Aim

The goal of Gajim is to provide a full featured and easy to use Jabber client. Gajim works nicely with GNOME, but does not require it to run. It is …

Открытое ПO

Psi+ 16 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Messenger
  • Jabber
  • Xmpp

Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM XMPP/Jabber client. Psi is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users.

Открытое ПO

GYachI 11 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Messenger
  • Yahoo Messenger

GyachE Improved (GyachI) is a fork from Gyach Enhanced Yahoo! client for Linux operating systems. This Yahoo! client supports almost all of the features you would expect to find on …

Открытое ПO

Знаете другую альтернативу Yahoo! Messenger?

Добавьте её в этот список

Tkabber 25 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Msn
  • Icq
  • Aim

Tkabber is a Free and Open Source client for the Jabber instant messaging system. Its writen in Tcl/Tk, and works on many platforms (tested on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, MacOS …

Открытое ПO

MetroIRC 50 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Irc

An IRC client for the Windows desktop which follows the Metro design guidelines.

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Subway 28 альтернатив

  • Chat Client
  • Instant Messenger
  • Messenger
  • Irc

Subway is a web-based IRC client with a multi-user backend and a JavaScript-heavy UI. Frontend/backend communication is done with websockets (or best available fallback where not available). The backend...

Открытое ПO
Онлайн Сервис

OpenWhatsapp 30 альтернатив

  • Share Files
  • Instant Messaging
  • Integrated File Sharing
  • Smartphone Messaging
  • Contacts Integration

OpenWhatsapp for BB10 is an Open source IM application that allows you to chat with your WhatsApp Messenger buddies. Features It's native! Being a frequently used application, we understand the …

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Blackberry 10
Symbian S60

Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 65 альтернатив приложению Yahoo! Messenger, для таких платформ как: Windows, Linux, macOS, BSD, Онлайн Сервис, Symbian S60, Blackberry 10 и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 5 июля 2021 г. 11:18

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