Note Taking Markdown Sticky Notes Simplenote

nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional features and interface modifications by Brett Terpstra and ElasticThreads. NVALT ADDITIONAL FEATURES Auto-pairing and selection...

Открытое ПO macOS

Альтернативы приложению NvALT

Notational Velocity 124 альтернативы

  • Note Taking
  • Sticky Notes

Notational Velocity is a mouseless application for storing and retrieving notes. With Notational Velocity, searching for notes is not a separate action; rather, it is the primary interface. Searching...

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ResophNotes 28 альтернатив

  • Note Taking
  • Notebook
  • Text editor
  • Note Sync
  • Simplenote

Very similar to Notational Velocity but for Windows. Features •Simple and fast notes on Windows •Sync online with Simplenote Support proxy (require HTTPS protocol) Optional...


nvPY 26 альтернатив

  • Synchronization
  • Note Taking
  • Notebook
  • Notepad
  • Note Organizer

nvPY is a note-taking tool inspired by Notational Velocity, nvALT and ResophNotes. It syncs with simplenote, and runs on Linux, Windows and OSX.

Открытое ПO

Metanota 14 альтернатив

  • Note Taking
  • Notational Velocity
  • Simplenote

Metanota is a beautiful OSX client and editor for creating and managing notes using the well known SimpleNote cloud service. Other note-taking cloud providers will follow shortly. This version is …


Nottingham 29 альтернатив

  • Dropbox Support
  • Note Taking
  • Notepad
  • Notational Velocity

In the spirit of Notational Velocity, Nottingham is an elegant notepad for Mac OS X. Designed to be lightweight and easy to use, it's a breath of fresh air perfect …


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uTrack 25 альтернатив

  • Note Taking
  • Todo Manager
  • Task Management
  • Task List
  • Sticky Notes

uTrack is an award-winning mobile application providing a novel way to manage and track tasks. uTrack won 1st prize for the most innovative app awarded by Nokia at a regional …

Symbian S60
Windows Phone

Notetak 23 альтернативы

  • Note Taking
  • Note Organizer

Notetak is a small, simple application for taking and managing notes and snippets of text in GNOME. It is inspired by the Notational Velocity application for OS X.

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Markie 27 альтернатив

  • Markdown
  • Wysiwyg Editor
  • Markdown Editor

Markie is a wysiwyg editor for the markdown syntax written entirely in python with html preview of your own css. Features Edit markdown in a left panel (didn't implement "select …

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TastenTrick 23 альтернативы

  • Note Taking
  • Gtd
  • Caps Lock
  • Capslock

Finally a proper use for Caps Lock. Take notes by tapping Caps Lock or google any selected text with Caps Lock+F. TastenTrick (german for a trick with keys) is a …


Что в этом списке?

Этот список содержит 9 альтернатив приложению NvALT, для таких платформ как: macOS, Windows, Linux, Symbian S60, Blackberry, Android, Windows Phone и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.

Последнее обновление списка: 15 декабря 2014 г. 0:36

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