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- Self Hosted • 239 ,
- Palm Pre • 107 ,
- Kindle Fire • 71 ,
- Safari • 69 ,
- Windows Explorer • 68 ,
- Haiku • 61 ,
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- Microsoft Office Outlook • 30 ,
- Adobe Photoshop • 23 ,
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- Mozilla Thunderbird • 22 ,
- Net Framework • 21 ,
- 3Ds Max • 18 ,
- Microsoft Excel • 16 ,
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- Skype • 12 ,
- Wine • 10
Using AutoWallpaper: 1) AutoWallpaper looks to a directory for the images that is chooses from. So first you must click Browse a choose a folder with images in it. 2) If you want AutoWallpaper to...
DisplayFusion 19 альтернатив
- Taskbar
- Window Management
- Multiple Monitors
- Dual Monitor
- Create Hotkeys
DisplayFusion will make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) experience smooth and painless. With DisplayFusion you can add a taskbar to every monitor that works and looks just …
John's Background Switcher 29 альтернатив
- Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Changer
- System Tray Program
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Randomizer
John’s Background Switcher (or JBS for short) periodically changes the wallpaper on your computer (like every hour or every day) to something interesting. JBS sits in your system tray (down …
Color Desker 24 альтернативы
- Wallpaper Changer
- Background
- Switcher
- Wallpaper Manager
Color Desker is a Smart Desktop Wallpaper Manager for Windows PCs. It gets the best wallpapers optimized for your screen resolution from the internet and allows you to change your …
Wallpaper Juggler 27 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- System Tray Program
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Cycler
Wallpaper Juggler is a configurable app for Windows 7, Vista and XP to download wallpapers from InterfaceLIFT.com or WallpaperStock.com and change them periodically. Features It runs in background and can...
Wallpaper Master 26 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Manager
- Wallpaper Cycler
Wallpaper Master is a powerful and highly customizable desktop wallpaper manager and cycler. Major features - Freeware version: - Store multiple wallpaper lists as different categories/libraries - up to...
ArtPlus ePix wallpaper calendar 27 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Cycler
ArtPlus ePix wallpaper calendar is FREE software! In addition to using your own images as Windows wallpaper, the new ArtPlus ePix wallpaper calendar changer delivers a stunning, high-resolution image to …
Wallpaper Wizard 10 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Wallpaper Randomizer
- Wallpaper Cycler
- Desktop Changer
- Mac Desktop Backgrounds
Wallpaper Wizard is a wallpaper changer with the unlimited access to the private collection of 100,000 HD wallpapers. No more surfing the web to find a nice wallpaper that fits …
DesktopSlides 8 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Desktop Changer
DesktopSlides is a light and user friendly desktop wallpaper changer for windows. You can set DesktopSlides to change your desktop wallpaper at a predetermined time interval (e.g. every 10 minutes) …
100dof Wallpaper Rotator 7 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Wallpaper Randomizer
- Wallpaper Cycler
100dof Wallpaper Rotator is a simple program that can be used to rotate Windows Desktop Wallpapers from a user defined folder and/or sub-folders. Wallpaper Rotator is ideal to be run …
Знаете другую альтернативу AutoWallpaper?
Добавьте её в этот списокAeroWallpaperChanger 6 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Aero
AeroWallpaperChanger is another "wallpaper changer" software for Windows 7. However, it have special feature "change Aero Color" what change color of windows with enabled Aero to color matches current wallpaper. …
Random BackGround 14 альтернатив
- Slideshow
- Background
- Automatic
- Wallpaper
- Display
Random BackGround desktop wallpaper slideshow with advanced features for Windows With Random BackGround, you can select a folder of images to cycle through in a non-repeating, random set. A wide …
YAWD 6 альтернатив
- Wallpaper Changer
- Desktop Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Downloader
YAWD, let you download new wallpaper from different sources. YAWD will also automatically change your desktop background.
Wallpapers HD 10 альтернатив
- Wallpapers
- Wallpaper Changer
- Lifestyle App
Wallpapers HD - The only app available with thousands of high definition wallpapers for you to download for your mac. Take full advantage of the high quality images on your …
Что в этом списке?
Этот список содержит 13 альтернатив приложению AutoWallpaper, для таких платформ как: Windows, macOS и многих других. Список альтернатив можно фильтровать по типу лицензии, платформе и тегам. Поддерживается сортировка по количеству пользователей которые уже используют альтернативу, или дате добавления приложения.
Последнее обновление списка: 14 декабря 2014 г. 18:51
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- — Обои Чейнджер • 11
- — Обои Для Рабочего Стола • 5
- — Обои Велосипедист • 5
- — Обои Рандомизатор • 3
- — Программы В Системном Трее • 2
- — Рабочего Стола Чейнджер • 2
- — Менеджер Обоев Рабочего Стола • 2
- — Фон • 2
- — Обои • 2
- — Управление Окнами • 1
- — Двойной Монитор • 1
- — Заголовок • 1
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- — Несколько Дисплеев • 1
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- — Несколько Мониторов • 1
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- — Обои Загрузчик • 1
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- — Создание Горячих Клавиш • 1
- — Mac Для Рабочего Стола • 1
- — Панели задач • 1
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- — Переключатель • 1
- — Mac Обои Для Рабочего Стола • 1
- — Аэро • 1
- — Двойной Дисплей • 1